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Monday, August 1, 2011

Why is Financial Planning Essential for Women?

By SiliconIndia, Monday, 01 August 2011, 04:30 Hrs
Bangalore: Investments, forms an essential part of financial planning for all individuals, including women. Investments generate returns for the future and take care of financial needs. Women appear to be confused when it comes to their relationship with money, investments, long time finances and retirement planning. Women seem to be comfortable leaving their finances and retirement planning to their husbands/father. Though women consider themselves to be the CFOs at home-strong, dominant, managers of family finances, they seem to be less confident about making their own investment decisions. Apart from working women, homemakers should take to financial planning too. Bottom of Form

It's time that as a woman, you realize your financial situation and learn more about money, more than just balancing the checkbook and paying the bills. Women have to handle their funds in a different way from men. Mostly, due to factors like differences in earning patterns and concerns particular to women. Family conditions, change in locations, or orthodox family backgrounds, birth of children may be responsible for making women put their careers on the back burner. So, the monthly household income drops drastically, changing the situations in a household. Statistics show that, on an average, women live 5 years longer than men, earn 25 percent less during their life time and work 11 years less in their careers. Hence it is essential for women to plan her finances wisely.

Read more to find out how you can handle your monetary situation and turn it to your best.

Plan Separately from your Spouse: It is essential for women to have a detached and personal finance plan from her family. The alarming rates of divorces and lower security of life has increased the requirement for separate finances. If a woman manages her own finances, she will be well equipped to handle monetary issues individually, if ever the need arises.

Budgeting: Track where your income is being spent. There is no easier route to financial freedom than tracking one's own expenses. Financial success comes from spending less than you earn. Not keeping track of money spent leads to overspending. Budgeting starts with savings and savings starts with paying yourself. Set a savings goal per month and plan your spending around the balance. It may seem difficult, but this strategy can and does work.

Invest: Contribute to your retirement plans. Investing is the most important of all.If your employer does not offer a retirement plan, consider Life Insurance, Funds and Securities and Government Provided Investments as they are the best options which you can invest in. You could also compartmentalize your investment into various Fixed Deposits, NSCs, PF, PPF, Stocks and Mutual Funds and also in Gold and other Jewelry.

Divorce and marriage

Less than there used to be

Marriage and divorce in declineIF MARRIAGE has become so unpopular, why are fewer people choosing to leave their spouses? According to the statistics from the Office for National Statistics on February 17th, the number of divorces in England and Wales fell again in 2009, by 6.4% from the previous year. This is the sixth year in a row that they have dropped, leaving the figure-113,949-at its lowest since 1974.
The divorce rate declined too: to 10.5 divorcing people out of 1,000 married ones, its lowest since 1977.  The greatest number of break-ups was among people in their early 40s, the highest rate among those in their late 20s. Just under 100,000 children saw their parents split up, down from almost 150,000 in 1999.

Why are fewer people getting divorced, given all the economic stress and strain around? In part, because of that stress and strain: more redundancies and sagging house prices mean that it is not always possible financially to split into two households, even if you squabble unmercifully in one. The influx of immigrants from more traditional societies has helped, too, keeping divorce rates down and birth rates up. But the real reason is probably the decline of marriage.

Far fewer people than before are getting married, as everyone knows and the chart shows vividly. This suggests that the brave remnant who do choose to enter that uncool estate are pretty committed to it. And the fact that the average age at which people first marry has drifted up-to just over 32 for men and just under 30 for women in 2008, about three years older for both than even a decade ago-may also damp down divorce, as older people, so far at least, have proved less prone to calling it quits.

Statistics offer only the bare skeleton of the story; there are hundreds of thousands of personal reasons why people marry (or don’t) and divorce (or don’t). But they do suggest that attempts to cure social ills by chivvying people into marriage, as the Conservatives now in government have at times talked of doing, are wide of the mark  The more people marry, it could be argued, the higher divorce rates are likely to be.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent. Most victims and perpetrators know each other. Immediate reactions to sexual abuse include shock, fear or disbelief. Long-term symptoms include anxiety, fear or post-traumatic stress disorder. While efforts to treat sex offenders remain unpromising, psychological interventions for survivors — especially group therapy — appears effective.
Adapted from the Encyclopedia of Psychology 

What You Can Do

  • Open Up! Writing About Trauma Reduces Stress, Aids ImmunityWriting about difficult, even traumatic, experiences appears to be good for health on several levels - raising immunity and other health measures and improving life functioning.
  • Tips for recovering from disasters and other traumatic eventsUnderstanding the emotions and normal responses that follow a disaster or other traumatic event can help you cope with your feelings, thoughts and behaviors – and can help you on the path to recovery.
  • Understanding Child Sexual AbuseChildren and adolescents who have been sexually abused can suffer a range of psychological and behavioral problems, from mild to severe, in both the short and long term. Counseling and support services are important for both the children affected and the caregivers responsible for the abused children.
  • Child sexual abuse: What parents should knowInformation for parents and caretakers on the warning signs and treatment options for child sexual abuse.

Getting Help


  • Illegitimate children – children whose parents were not married when they were born
  • Monogamy – this means that a person can only be married to one person at a time
  • Bigamy – is against the law. This is when a person is married to more than one person at the same time
  • Divorce – is the legal end to a marriage
  • Separation – when a couple live apart but are still legally married
  • Empty shell marriages – when a couple are still married and live in the same house but lead separate lives
  • Serial monogamy – when a person has a series of marriages, divorces and remarriages, e.g. Henry VIII and Jennifer Lopez.
  • Polygamy – is when a person is married to more than one person at the same time. This is accepted in some countries but is against the law in Britain. There are two types of polygamy:
    • Polyandry – woman and husbands e.g. Tibet
    • Polygyny – man with wives e.g. Masai in Africa
Trends in marriage and divorce
  • Increase in divorce rate (number of divorces per 1000 people per year)
  • Decrease in first marriages (where the people had not been married before)
  • Increase in re-marriage (where people were married before) This suggests perhaps that it is not necessarily marriage that is declining in popularity - just that some people choose the wrong person to marry.
  • Increase in cohabitation
  • Increase in illegitimate children
Reasons for the increase in the divorce rate 1. Changes in the law - several laws have been passed to make divorce easier to obtain.
2. Ease of divorce - the stigma of divorce is greatly reduced in society today, so people no longer feel ashamed to be divorced. Sociologists point to a decline in the influence of religion as another factor.
3. Change in attitudes - some sociologists argue that marriage is highly valued in society, partly due to the image the media present of marriage as based on romance and happiness. People now demand more from marriage and if it does not live up to the ideal they hold then they will get divorced and try again - this explains the growing number of remarriages.
4. The changing role of women - approx. 70% of divorces are initiated by women. Women today are more likely to be independent - with a good education, fewer children and a job. If they are unhappy in a marriage it is easier for them to leave and start again.
Marriage and Divorce
1. Drag Quiz - Use the quiz to who is most likely to divorce.
Consequences of divorce
  • More single parent families
  • More one person households
  • More remarriages
  • May be more poverty if the person who has the children gets no financial support from their ex partner.
  • Children may lack a male role model (as most often the female gets custody of the children) and therefore not be socialised properly which according to the New Right may lead them to do badly in education.
  • Feminists might say that divorce is a positive thing for women and children as only men benefit from family life. They believe that female single parent families are better than nuclear families for women.
Is the family in decline?
It would appear from the evidence that the media image of the ‘cereal packet family’ as the typical family seems in doubt. It seems that ‘the family’ generally is not in decline, it is simply that there is now more diversity of family types in Britain today (i.e. many different types).
Marriage & Divorce Crossword
1. Crossword - Use the crossword to check your understanding.
New Right and Feminist views of divorce
Theory Feminism
Divorce is a positive thing for women and children as only men benefit from family life. They believe that female single parent families are better than nuclear families for women.
New Right
Children may lack a male role model (as most often the female gets custody of the children) and therefore not be socialised properly which may lead them to do badly in education.

Religious Studies
Christianity: marriage and divorce
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  1. Next
Christians see marriage as vows taken before God, and divorce is not encouraged.



In the marriage service of the Church of England, the couple getting married make vows to each other. The traditional marriage vows are:
I, take you,to be my wife [or husband].to have and to holdfrom this day forward;for better, for worse,for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish,till death us do part,according to God’s holy law;and this is my solemn vow.
Marriage is important for Christians because:
  • it's a gift from God; it's part of God’s plan for creation that men and women should live together
  • it provides a relationship through which husband and wife support each other; this relationship is built on love and faithfulness
  • it provides a secure environment for the bringing up of children
The importance of marriage is emphasised by Jesus
But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.

Divorce, remarriage and cohabitation

The teaching of Jesus in the New Testament is against divorce (the legal ending of a marriage before the death of a spouse).
It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I say to you that anyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Matthew 5:31-32
Adultery (sex with someone who you are not married to) is also wrong according to the teachings of the Ten Commandments:
You shall not commit adultery.
Exodus 20:14
Many churches now allow divorce but a marriage can only be ended by an annulment in the Roman Catholic Church. This means that the marriage is regarded as never having taken place for special reasons.
Christian couple on their wedding day
Christian couple on their wedding day
In 1981 the Church of England allowed people to marry again after a divorce. Many other churches now hold this position.
The Roman Catholic Church is totally opposed to people cohabiting (living together without being married). Sexual intercourse outside of a marriage is a serious sin and couples who sin in this way cannot receive communion in church. Some Protestant churches accept cohabitation although they hope that the couple will choose eventually to be married in church.


Total number of divorces in the UK:

YearNumber of divorcesYearNumber of divorces

Total number of marriages in the UK:

YearNumber of marriagesYearNumber of marriages

Total number of civil marriage ceremonies in the UK:

YearNumber of marriagesPercentage of marriages
1990-47% of all marriages
2004 184,91068% of all marriages
2005 160,27065% of all marriages

What reasons can you suggest for the drop in numbers in each of the tables above?

What connections between the figures in each of the tables can you identify?

Marriage After Divorce

Your church wishes you a lifetime of love that grows within God's protection. But we recognise that some marriages do fail for all sorts of sad and painful reasons.

So in certain circumstances the Church of England accepts that a divorced person may marry again and this has been the case since 2002.

There may be a way forward for you to remarry in a church, but you should talk to your Vicar about this. Every Vicar will want to help you, though there are some who don't feel able to offer a wedding to couples where one or both of the partners has been divorced. In any case your Vicar will want to talk frankly about your past and hopes for the future and will then be able to advise you.

Even if it is not possible to do your wedding, they may offer a service of prayer and dedication after a civil wedding. There are more resources about this on the Church of England web site.

Read about Andy and Katie's wedding. Andy had been married before, but the couple were married in church.

It was second time around for another couple, Andy and Emma, who decided to have a service of Thanksgiving for Marriage after their civil wedding. Read more.

Marriage Breakdown

Where a couple agrees that the marriage is over, the divorce procedure is a straightforward process. It is often the arrangements for children and assets on divorce where the parties will apply for a court order to resolve their disputes. Marriage for the whole of the UK has been declining over the last decade according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) from 349,700 marriages in 1991 to 291,800 marriages in 2002. Over this same period the divorce statistics show the rate has remained relatively steady with 173,500 divorces in 1991 reducing to 156,800 divorces in 2001 and 160,700 in 2002.

A breakdown in a marriage does not necessarily have to lead to divorce yet this route could have a dramatic effect on the spouses relationship with their children as well as their personal finances. An alternative to divorce is judicial separation and this would slow down the process and allow mediation to reduce the conflict. In certain situations it may be possible to apply for nullity of a marriage.

There are three parts of the divorce process starting with a legal procedure to end the marriage, secondly arrangements for any children of the marriage and thirdly ancillary relief proceedings that will decide the financial matters between the couple and as the step-by-step guide shows is a separate process to the divorce proceedings. The largest asset on divorce is usually the property and different orders can be applied to the matrimonial home by the court depending on the circumstances of the parties.

Divorce [step-by-step guide]
During divorce proceedings there are two decrees that the court must grant. Initially one of the parties known as the petitioner must apply to the court for a decree nisi, however before the divorce can be made final and the marriage ends the court must grant the decree absolute. In order to apply for a decree nisi the petitioner must have been married for over one year although since 1 March 2001 to proceed in England and Wales the individual has to established the criteria of jurisdiction. This involves showing that both parties or at least one spouse has habitually resident or domiciled in England and Wales of which there are a number of combinations that are acceptable for jurisdiction.

There is also a requirement for divorce to show that the marriage has irretrievably broken down, and to do this the person must establish one of five facts as proof:
Adultery of the other spouse;
Unreasonable behaviour of the other spouse;
Desertion by the other spouse after two years;
Separation with consent after two years;
Separation without consent after five years.
In about 70% of cases the divorce petitioner will cite adultery or unreasonable behaviour of the person, known as the respondent, in the petition. 

If the divorce is by way of agreement between the parties, then unreasonable behaviour would require only a brief outline of the behaviour so help to avoid further conflict. At the same time as the divorce petition a statement of arrangement would be filed at the court showing the proposed arrangements for any dependent children that are under 16 years of age or in full time education.

If the divorce petition includes false allegations it would be important for these to be challenged by the respondent as they could influence future contact with children and result in costs being awarded against the respondent. In divorce proceedings there are two decrees that must be applied for to end the marriage. Once the respondent has acknowledged the divorce petition the petitioner can apply for the decree nisi. When the court receives the application, a judge will review the papers to ensure they are in order including arrangements for any children, before giving the decree nisi can be granted. 

The petitioner will now have to wait 6 weeks and one day before applying for the final decree, the decree absolute. Once this has been granted the divorce is final and the marriage ends. At this point the parties are free to marry again. In terms of ancillary relief, although occasionally the couple can agree the allocation of maintenance and division of the matrimonial assets, completed before the decree absolute is granted, often a resolution will not be achieved until after the divorce is finalised and the step-by-step guide shows how this separate legal process works.

Judicial separation
In judicial separation proceedings the partner will obtain from the court a decree of judicial separation and this means a legal separation of the partners although they will still be married but not have to live together. This is different from divorce where the decree nisi followed by the decree absolute is required before the proceedings are final. 

A decree of judicial separation will only be granted, as with a divorce petition, on the grounds that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. The partner must prove:
Adultery of the other partner;
Unreasonable behaviour of the other partner;
Desertion by the other partner after two years;
Separation with consent after two years;
Separation without consent after five years.
As with nullity, judicial separation can be granted within 12 months of the marriage. However, before the court grants a decree of judicial separation it will have to establish that the arrangements the partners have made for the children, if any, are acceptable to the court.

Judicial separation will allow the partners to apply for a court order to settle disputes of children, matrimonial property or financial matters during ancillary relief proceedings.

For ancillary relief proceedings an earmarking order against the members pension rights within a pension arrangement of the other partner, however, a pension sharing order will only apply to divorce or nullity.

A marriage can be annulled if for any reason it is not valid and this can be done by the presentation of a nullity petition. Once the court has issued the partner a decree of nullity, there are no further requirements to end the marriage as with divorce which requires the decree nisi followed by the decree absolute. It would then be possible to apply for a court order settling disputes over children, matrimonial assets or financial matters during ancillary relief proceedings including the granting of a pension sharing order or earmarking order against the members pension rights from a pension arrangement of a partner. 

A marriage can be annulled where:
It has not been consummated, that is where partners have not had sex while being married;
The partners are inter-married, meaning a marriage of close relatives;
At the time of the marriage one of the partners was already married to someone else;
One of the partners was under the age of 16 at the time of the marriage;
A partner at the time of the marriage had a venereal disease and the other partner was not aware of this at the time;
The partner at the time of marriage was pregnant with another persons child which the other partner was not aware of at that time.
As with judicial separation a presentation for nullity can be granted within 12 months of the marriage but must be presented within a reasonable time.

Arrangements for children
At the time of the petition for divorce, the petitioner and respondent will have to agree as to the arrangements for the children. This should be shown in the statement of arrangements for any children under 16 years of age or in full time employment, although if agreement is not reached it will not prevent the divorce from proceeding to the next stage. 

The parties are obligated to maintain their children until they cease to be dependent and this is a responsibility that cannot be brought to an end. In term of the financial matters the Child Support Agency can be expected to try to obtain maintenance from the former spouse, usually the husband, for the children even if the parent responsible for the children declines to claim for maintenance. It is worth noting that children themselves have the right to apply for maintenance. 

In most circumstances the court would have regard to achieving a clean break for a couple on divorce. However, this may not be desired where a wife with responsibility for the children has no source of income yet the husband is a high earner. In this case the court would seek a continued link through an order for continuing maintenance.

Future procedure
The current law for couples in England and Wales is based on the principle of fault based divorce, meaning that the petitioner is married for at least one year and is required to prove one fact from five that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. The Family Law Act 1996 (FLA 96) would bring significant changes by introducing, in part II, no fault divorce. 

This means that no grounds will have to be shown as to why the marriage has irretrievably broken down by the petitioner when submitting a divorce petition. The Act would promote mediation, which is designed to reduce acrimony between the parties. Information meetings would allow for this mediation and a statement of marital breakdown would be produced 3 months after and once submitted to the court, this would mark the start of divorce proceedings.

A period of reflection would then start and last 9 months after which time both parties could then apply for divorce or judicial separation. In December 2000 the government announced that the FLA 96 would, in part, be postponed probably for several years.

Marriage And Divorce

Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics (Series FM2) Product
This reference volume has now been replaced by a series of separate releases for each of the marriage, divorce and adoption topics. The releases contain detailed information on each topic and can be accessed from the links below.

View more information about this product  
UK National Statistics Quality Mark These National Statistics are produced to high professional standards and released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.
Office for National Statistics (ONS), Annual, ISBN=9781857746471, ISSN=14665816, Online edition, Contact: +44 (0)1329 444110
Outcome of marriage, divorce and adoption statistics review and lookup file for new tables (79Kb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 2007 (886Kb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 2006 (2.7Mb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 2005 (2.2Mb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 2004 (1.6Mb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 2003 (1.3Mb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 2002 (1.2Mb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 2001 (958Kb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 2000 (1.2Mb - Pdf)
Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Statistics - Series FM2 1999 (1.1Mb - Pdf)
Historic marriage tables (242Kb - Zip)
Historic adoption tables (93Kb - Xls)
Marriages: latest data (Web link)
Divorces: latest data (Web link)
Adoptions: latest data (Web link)

The Power of Bible Fasting

Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting, Matthew 17:21. There are many who feel Biblical fasting is unnecessary because Jesus paid for all at Calvary. This, however, is not according to the Word of the Lord. The Bible teaches fasting for all God's people; never will you have real power with God unless you fast.
In Matthew, the ninth chapter, we read that John's disciples came to Jesus asking why they fasted while Jesus' disciples did not. Jesus answered, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast. After Jesus was taken from them, His disciples did fast.
It is recorded in Mark 9 that a father brought his son, who was possessed by a devil, to the disciples. They were not able to deliver the boy, but Jesus was. Later, the disciples wanted to know why they could not cast out the devil. They were told by Jesus that this kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting, Mark 9:29. In my services the sick are healed by the numbers, devils are cast out. How is it done? Through fasting, prayer and living in the Word.

In Exodus, the thirty-fourth chapter, it is recorded that Moses did not eat for forty days and nights. He was on the mount with God and lived right in His mighty presence. Verse 30: When Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone . . . Fasting truly brings one into the glory of the Lord!
Elijah, in I Kings 19:1-8, ran from the enemy and went a day's journey into the wilderness. Twice an angel served him food, and then he ate nothing for forty days and nights. In the power and strength of the Lord he traveled 150 miles to the mount of God. If you want to reach the mount of God, fasting will help you do it.
We read of Daniel's fast of twenty-one days in Daniel 10:2,3: I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth . . . Then in the twelfth verse we read of an angel saying this about Daniel: . . . from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. Daniel's prayer, backed up by the power of fasting, was answered.
In Esther 4:16, Esther sent word to Mordecai, asking him and all the Jews to fast three days and nights while she and her maidens did likewise. She then went in before the king and won deliverance for her people.
The people of Ninevah fasted and God spared the entire city, saving over 120,000 souls (Jonah 3:5-10).

Luke 4:1,2, And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered. True Biblical fasting brings the anointing of God. In verse 18 Jesus cries, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me . . . After fasting forty days, Jesus began to heal the sick, cast out devils and perform many mighty miracles. As the Son of God He did not need to fast, but as the Son of man He fasted to show us how we can have power with God over all devils.
Acts 13:2: . . . they ministered to the Lord, and fasted . . . Men of God fasted and then carried out the command of the Lord. In Acts 9:9-17, Paul fasted for three days after his conversion; then he not only received his sight but also was filled with the Holy Ghost. Paul, in II Corinthians 11:27, was . . . in fastings often . . . Paul recommended periods of . . . fasting and prayer . . . I Corinthians 7:5.
God honors any sacrifice we make for Him and He does not set down rigid rules of contacting Him. Fast with a definite purpose. Don't fast just for the sake of fasting, but fast for the purpose of contacting God about a definite concern. The fast may be short or long: there are things we receive from God on a short fast while other prayers are answered only by a long fast. Your fast should always edify you and glorify God, for when it fails to do so it is not the kind of fast God wants. Use the wisdom God has given you.
Matthew 6:16-18: Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Don't appear downcast when you fast or boast about how long the fast has been. Fasting is not for show but to afflict your soul so that your Father in heaven will answer your prayer.
There are many ways to fast. You can fast by drinking only water or you can fast by drinking water and just enough juice to keep up your strength so that you can do your work. You can fast one meal, two meals, a day, a week or as many days as you want, but never fast over forty days at a time. Jesus fasted forty days, the maximum amount of time you should fast. I have fasted many forty day fasts, but I have never felt I should fast over forty days.
Always drink plenty of water when you are fasting. God never asks us to do anything that will harm our bodies and people have hurt their bodies by not drinking enough water on a fast. Water flushes the poison from your system; many doctors feel that fasting is beneficial so long as you drink plenty of water.
God is concerned about the good health of your body. Spend as much time in prayer, reading the Word and meditation as possible. It is important to draw greatly on the strength of the Lord during your fast.

There are some who can drink juices when breaking a fast. If you cannot take juices on a weak stomach, however, then corn flakes or a cooked cereal with milk and NO sugar will be fine. Gradually you may take a little broth at short intervals with a little cooked rice added. The length of the fast determines how slowly you should get back to solid foods. After a long fast, for a number of days treat yourself as you would a baby because your stomach will have become tender and delicate. NEVER overeat when coming off even a short fast. Do not give vent to your appetite.
Fasting will put self more under subjection to God. Doubts will be dispelled and faith will take their place. Jesus, speaking of faith to remove mountains, said to the disciples, … nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting, Matthew 17:20,21. Come to Grace Cathedral and see God's miracle power in operation through fasting and prayer.