Own A Website At Less Cost!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Dearly beloved,
It is a pleasure hearing that you are in a ministry that has a mandate of reaching out to the wider world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. You may not know the extent printed pages like magazines and newsletters published by your ministry can take you, but those who do can testify that it has helped them a lot in reaching many homes, offices and individuals that they may not have the opportunity of ministering to, individually. In view of this, there is this great opportunity that is available for people like you, to make use of. This message is coming your way because as someone who is praying for your success in every arena of life, as long as your ministry on earth is concerned, believes that:
-          you may be needing help in starting a Christian, magazine.
-          you need some important ideas to rejuvenate your current magazine and make it more effective and exciting.
-          you want to bring your magazine staff up to a more professional level of expertise.
-          you or a colleague of yours need to know more about marketing, design, editing, magazine management, advertising, writing, or anything else related to magazine publishing.
If the above assumptions are right, then you have no more problems with handling your ministry’s magazine publication any more. I therefore, invite you to the first ever Africa-wide magazine training programme holding in Abuja, Nigeria. The programme titled: “Managing Your Ministry’s Magazine with Confidence and Skill” is being offered locally in Nigeria for the first time!

Managing the Magazine with Confidence and Skill is a full magazine publishing course created by Magazine Training International. The course teaches publishers how to assess the present status of their magazines, identify problem areas, and apply principles to solve the problems. Those who wish to start a magazine will learn how to lay a successful foundation for strong growth.

It will be painful if you or your representatives miss this opportunity to join hundreds of Christian magazine publishers from dozens of countries that have taken this course live in conferences in Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hong Kong, Korea, India, and the U.S since 1999.

The course is taught by Kent Wilson, then publisher of NavPress, and Tim Gilmour, Executive Vice-President and COO of Group Publishing, Inc. Together they have over 50 years experience in magazine publishing. Both have taught the course internationally and have a good grasp of the
challenges faced by Christian magazine publishers outside the United States.

The course will be hosted by Pastor Ejiogu Vitus Chibueze, editor and publisher of Foundation Satellite (FS) magazine. Pastor Ejiogu has published FS for more than 15 years. He is the editor and a trained journalist. He is excited about making this training available to Africans and indeed, Nigerian magazine publishers, who will like to utilize this golden opportunity to enrich their ministries and impact others through their publications.

This training programme is full ideas and information that one can use and also learn how to take advantage of the resources offered by Magazine Training International together with dozens of other organizations. Come, be encouraged, and exposed to fresh new ideas in publishing. Take your magazine to the next level with new strength, broadened outreach, and increased effectiveness. You’ll hone your skills, gain new insights, make connections with other magazine workers around Africa, and return home refreshed and re-energized, with the tools you need to make your magazine more effective than ever before.

Date: 7th - 10 November, 2012
Life Resurrection Ministries, Behind FCDA Primary School Kubwa, Abuja.
Tuition Fee: $30 (N5000) per participant, payable to the following bank accounts:
                              Naira Account Number: 004 4513 031
                              Dollar Account Number: 004 4513 048
                              Account Name: PalmGate Global Ventures, Inc
                              Bankers: Guaranty Trust Bank Plc

For more information, contact the Coordinator at: firebrandhq@yahoo.com, or call, 234 802 8181 829.

Don't miss this opportunity! God bless you!!!

Pastor E.C. Vitus