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Monday, August 1, 2011




1. Introduction
Personal Evangelism is Christ's mandate to every believer. 1t is the carrying on of the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18) by the instrumental of individual believers reaching out to sinners with the gospel message on person to person basis. This foundational method of soul winning is the attempt on the part of a Christian to show to another person from the Word of God his need as a lost and guilty sinner (Romans 3:10-23; 7:14-24; 1Corinthians 6:9-10), the truth of God’s judgment and punishment (Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 1:32; Revelation 20:15, 21), God’s love, resulting in the provision of a Saviour in the person of Jesus Christ (John 3:16; 1:29, Titus 2:11-14) and the requirement of repentance and faith in Christ on the part of the sinner to be saved (Matthew 4:17; Luke 13: 2-3; Acts 3:19; 17:30; Romans 10:9,10; John 3:15). This must be tactfully concluded with a deliberate effort of leading the sinner to repentance and accepting Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour (John 1:46-51; Acts 8:35-39).

2. He That Winneth Soul Is Wise (Proverbs 11:30) –
The word WIN can be analyzed in many ways:
(a).       In military term, it suggests the skill, patience, bravery, tactfulness, and endurance of soldiers in battle, needed to overcome a strong and highly resistant city (Joshua 6:1-21; 2 Samuel 10:9-19). So the soul winner's task of winning the battle for man's soul.

(b).       As an occupation, the term Soul Winning is likened to fishing and it shows the diligent effort a fisherman takes in the face of all kinds of weather and danger in attracting the fish to swallow the hook until it is caught.

(c).      From the Judicial/Legal perspective, the Soul Winner is Christ’s counsel. With wise and logical presentation of the scriptural truths, he makes the sinner abandon all his contrary views about Christ and the gospel and judge him right as his personal Saviour and Lord.

(d).      As an athletic, the term Soul Winning requires zeal, interest, and discipline for success.

(e).       In business term as an entrepreneur, the Soul Winner needs business plans, interpreted into activities with interest, discipline, self-denial that lead to growth and success.

From research findings, Personal Evangelism is the most easy-to-do, costless and penetrating method of evangelism. It cannot be easily outlawed by the bans on public preaching and laws or proclamation that may affect mass forms of evangelism. Through personal evangelism, the potential convert's personal attention is gained, his doubts cleared and the decision he makes, becomes solid and strong. It is the fastest and easiest war of quickly multiplying disciples and reaching any category of individual in the community. Close intimate relationship can be developed and maintained between the Soul Winner and seeker e.g. Jesus and John, Jesus and Nicodemus.
The Church of God needs consecrated Christian who will give themselves to the task of personal evangelism. One soul genuinely won for the Lord and saved, is better than 1000 empty professionals.

Consider this networking in a Church that practices Personal Evangelism seriously.
On January 1st it has 20 members, each endeavour to bring 1 soul in the month of January. The congregation will be 40 at the end of the month. On February 1st it has 40 members, each endeavour to bring 1 soul in this month. The congregation will grow to 80 at the end of February.
On March 1st it has 80 members; each endeavour to bring 1 soul in March, the congregation will be 160 members at the end of the month of March. On April 1st the Church will be 160, each endeavour to win 1 soul into the Church, making 320 at the end of April.
On May 1st the congregation stands at 320, each endeavour to bring 1 soul in May. The Church will grow to 640.
On June 1st the Church will be 640, each endeavour to bring 1 soul in June. The congregation will have 1280 members. What a great achievement, an addition of 1260 members in 6 months! All that is needed is the Military, Occupational, Judicial, Business-like, and Athletic spirits mentioned above. It is possible and has been done by some fastest growing Churches. The initial 20 members of the Church on January 1st act as the network group leaders; each member of the congregation is a network leader.

Translated into individual effort;
Ø  Those in January bring 6 souls.
Ø  Those in February bring 5 souls
Ø  Those in March bring 4 souls
Ø  Those in April bring 3 souls
Ø  Those in May bring 2 souls
Ø  Those in June bring 1 soul.

(See the write-up on approach below to have an idea of how it can be done).

Or, see it in this way. If in a Church of 100 standing believers, each endeavours to bring in 1 soul in 6 months, there will be 400 believers in that Church at the end of 6 months.
Evangelism/Counseling/Follow-up/Visitation Coordinators, what are we waiting for? Which of our congregations today has recorded such a high rate of growth and increase with our multiplied programmes? The personal visit of a doctor can never be compared with the general prescriptions of cure for the public. The doctor examines the patient, diagnoses the disease and prescribes personal remedy. Let us develop the ability of individual effort and strive by all means to win souls by personal evangelism - the seriousness and heart-beat of God - to save sinners from the wrecking influence of sin, world and its damning consequences are revealed by His solemn charges (2 Timothy 4:1-2; Mark l5:16; Ezekiel 33:11-19) and his involvement in directing Soul-Winner to souls (Acts 8:26-29; 10:9-20; 16:20). The Lord Jesus Christ gave time to the Samaritan woman. He died because of souls.

4. Values Of Soul
The value of a soul is incomparable to all the riches of the world put together (Matthew 16: 28).
(a)        The precious blood of Christ was shed to secure its redemption (1 Peter 1:18, 19).

(b)        Human souls are the battleground between God and the devil, and Satan seems to be gaining more ground in these last days through the multiplying of false religions and prophets who are speedily and zealously attracting blinded souls into their nets making them twofold children of hell.

(c)        Besides, the time left for this job of eternal consequence is short as men are dying daily in this day of tragic accident, air crashes, incurable disease and natural catastrophic phenomena that are daily sending unprepared souls into a lost eternity (John 9:4; l Corinthians 7:29-31; Job 1:13-19).

(d)       The fact and reality of hell as a place of agonizing torment and everlasting punishment in unquenchable fire demands that Soul-Winning should be daily and seriously carried out and that diligently (Mark 9:43-47; Luke 16:23; 2 Corinthians 5:11).

(e)        The pitiable conditions and descriptions of the sinner's plight demand that every believer should have burning compassion for the salvation of souls.

5. Factors For Effective Soul Winning
Effective Soul-Winning depends on a number of necessary factors in the Soul Winner's life. One who is still in the pit cannot rescue another in the same pit with him, just like no blind man can show the way to another blind man (Matthew 15:31).

(a)        The necessity of genuine conversion and salvation from sin for anyone who wants to be involve in Personal Evangelism (2 Timothy 2:6).

(b)        The Soul Winners as a surgical knife in the doctor's hand must live a spiritually sterilized life free from spots, blemishes and evil report, not to constitute an offence to seekers.

(c)        As God's pipe or channel of the Water of Life, he must be clean, not rusted or corroded within.

(d)       He must be free from leakages and blockages and properly joined and connected to the Source through prayers and fellowship (Jude 12-13; John 15:1-7).

(e)        An ignorant lawyer cannot be able to defend his client in the face of the law and charges leveled against him, so a Soul Winner who lacks the knowledge God's Word cannot convince a sinner to accept the claims of Christ and accept Him as his personal Lord and Saviour (Colossians 3:16; Hosea 4:6).

(f)       He needs the compassion of a doctor, the courtesy of a nurse, the conviction of a communist and the commitment of miner.

(g).      He should be bold, courageous, enduring as a good soldier of the Cross and patient (2 Timothy 2:3-4, 2 Corinthians 5:20).

6. Why Many Christian Do Not Evangelized
Many believers today shirk their God-giving responsibility of Personal Evangelism because of:

(a)        fear of man (John 7:37; 9:23; Isaiah 51:12-13)

(b)        love of money and worldly pursuits (1 Kings 20:40)

(c)        lack of compassion for souls, prayerlessness and lack of vision (Proverbs 29:18)

(d)       The presence of secret sins in their lives. We must get rid of all these vices in our lives.

7. Approaches For Successful Networking
Successful Soul-Wining begins with using the right approach for the right person and at the right time. The first task is that of creating an open door for discussion on the subject of the gospel and securing the attention and the interest of the sinner. Whenever the initial over tunes are defective or uninspiring, excuses are given to withdraw from the Soul Winner. So there is need for wisdom and deliberate study to develop the right ways of approach.

(a).       Direct Approach this involves abrupt introduction of the vital theme to a soul, either because of the shortness of time or to get direct answer from the person. When using this approach, the Soul-Winner asks direct questions such as - is your soul right with God? Are you born again? If you were to die in 5 minutes time, do you think you will be with God? Philip the evangelist used this approach in dealing with the Ethiopian eunuch, “understandest thou what thou readest?” (Acts 8:30).

(b)       Indirect Approach - this involves the art of turning a conversation which began with physical issues into spiritual channels. By this, Soul-Winners can discover what a person believes, lead him from a known physical fact to unknown spiritual truths and gradually build up his convictions to submit to spiritual truths. The Lord Jesus Christ used it to win the Samaritan woman (John 4:7-29).

(c)        Friendship Approach - The Soul-Winner leads the soul to Christ by cultivating his friendship deed of kindness; a love service and friendliness are used as a bait to get the sinner interested in the gospel message. This requires a lot of willingness to pay the price in the way of giving, self-denial and hard work. The Lord Jesus dined directly with sinners to be able to reach them (Matthew 9:10- 13).

(d)       Literature Approach A tract is given in a kind and courteous manner, helping to break the Ice and open up the way for personal conversation. The tract must be appropriate and well printed.

(e)        After-Fellowship Approach - The comment made in the message or Bible Study can open the door of personal conversation.

8. Powerful Conversation/Effective Presentation Of The Gospel
Once the door of conversation has been opened, the next urgent task of the Soul Winner is the presentation of the gospel. He must reach the intellect, affect the will, stir the emotions, arouse the conscience and bring the unsaved man to the point of decision and surrender to Christ.
To be effective, there are things that must be done:
(a)        Like the doctor, diagnose the case with the use of question to discover the class he belongs and how best to deal with him.

(b)        Describe the disease - sin as a disease of the soul - must be revealed with the help of scriptures and painted vividly enough that the sinner will discover it in himself apparently (Galatians 5:18-22, l Corinthians 6:9-10).

(c)        Prescribe the remedy - Christ is the remedy for sin. Lift Christ so high, that the sinner from the pit of sin where he is wallowing will be willing to jump out and hang on Him immediately for help and deliverance (John 12:32; 1 Timothy 2:5-6; 1 Thessalonians 2:2; Hebrews 10: 19-22).

(d)       Warning of the danger of delay and rejecting the truth (Isaiah 1:19; 2 Corinthians 6:2; Proverbs 29:1; Hebrews 4:1-6).

(e)        Urging for immediate decision - induce the sinner to a decision. If he declares his intention to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, he should be made to pray out in his own words confessing his sins and receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour (1 John 1:9; Romans 10:9-10).

(f)        Anchor him to the Word of God for assurance.

(g)        Finally, show him how to continue in Christ. Invite him to your next fellowship, Bible Study, Sunday Service, Prayer Meeting, etc (in the case of your Church growth through Networking). See also needs for follow-up.

9. Things To Avoid In The Course Of Dealing With Souls
(a)        Do not exalt self above the sinner, or condemn denominations.

(b)        Avoid acting victorious or proud when you have scored a point (Matthew 11:29) and do not tell sad stories, but point to Christ (John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9)

(c)        Do not multiply texts and illustrations and never be in a hurry.

(d)       Do not have bad breath or body odour. Dress properly and moderately.

(e)        Deal not with more than one person at a time.

(f)        Avoid getting into an argument with the seeker.

(g)        Do not loose your self control and emotion.

(h)        Avoid telling a person he is saved.

(i)         Do not tell seekers to think it over. Bring to a decision at once where possible.

(j)         Do not be discouraged by apparent failure. You may just be only another link in the chain of getting the person to accept Christ (John 4:37-38).

10. Further Help
In Personal Evangelism, the Soul Winner needs to be familiar with scriptures that deal with specific or various categories of sinners, such as:
(a)        The Careless (Luke 14:16; Ezekiel 33:9; Acts 24:25; Hebrews 2:3; 12:25; Isaiah 47:88-9)

(b)        The Deceived (Matthew 24:5; 1 Corinthians 6:7; 15:33; Galatians 6:7; Ephesians 5:6; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; I John 3:7).

(c)        The Religious (Matthew 7:22, 28; Romans 3:20; 11:6; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:4-5; Luke 18:9-14).

(d)       The Confused (John.6:37; 8:36; Jude 24; 1 Peter 1:5; 2Timothy 1:12; Philippians l: 6)

(e)        The Superstitious (Acts 17:22-31; 1 Samuel 4:3-14; l Kings 20:23-30; Jeremiah 10:2-13).

(f)        The Excuse Makers (Luke l4:16- 24; Matthew 25:24-25; Acts 24:24-25)

(g)        The Ignorant (Hosea 4:6; Acts 17:23; Matthew 6:23; 15:14; Jeremiah 5:4; Micah 4:12).

(h).       The Anxious (Acts 16:30-31; 2:37; Luke 3:9-14)

(i)         The Backsliders (Hebrews 10:38; 2 Peter 2:20; Revelation 2:4-5; Hosea 6:1-3; Isaiah 31:15; 55:7).

(j)         The Free Thinkers (Psalm 10:4; 14:1; Romans 1:19- 26).

(k)               The Objectors (Romans 2:1-6; Ecclesiastes 12:4).

(l)                 The Skeptics (Psalm 10:4; 14:1; 1 John 2:22).

11. Needs For Follow-Up, Visitation And Convert Welfare
Effort put up in Personal Evangelism to win a soul will not yield much fruit if follow-up, constant visitation and convert welfare are neglected and relegated to the background. In the networking, remember that the Soul Winner needs to put efforts to take the convert through series of convert studies and integrate him with the fellowship of the local Church. He should also help him to be baptized in water and make him go through a discipleship training to further establish him in the faith and doctrines of the Christian faith. The young convert also needs to be covered and protected through the constant prayers of the Soul Winner and constant visitation. He must be loved and cared for all the time, during persecutions and time of difficulties and discouragement, so that he will not backslide. The Soul Winner must be willing to sacrifice both money and material where need be for both spiritual and physical welfare of the convert (2 Corinthians 12:15; Acts 9:27-30; 11:25-26; 14:21-22). Intimate relationship is the answer!

12. Handling Objections
We need to understand that Soul Winning is snatching Satan’s captives into God's kingdom and that Satan will always put up a fight, and objections through his human agents and captives to hinder. Hence, the weapon of prayer to bind the strong man and loose the captives is vital (Matthew 3:27; 16:19; Luke 4:18). He must be given to much praying claiming the souls of those he intended to win for Christ and at every movement of opposition, to silently exercise authority over Satan (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

(a).       Objection 1:   Those who vehemently oppose preaching. They openly
resist our attempt and threaten to foment trouble.
Response:       It is wise to calmly respond by informing such people of our intention to speak with those who might be interested. You may give a tract with your Church address and let there be exchange of phone numbers for further communication between you and the person interested. There is no need to fight back or be obstinate. The calm response is not weakness but will paint a picture that may win the admiration of those interested.

(b).      Objection 2:   Those who ask question to distract us from our primary

Response:       A lovely smile and quick information to treat such matters later may quiet such people.

(c).       Objection 3:   Those who put up serious religion arguments

Response:       Meekly but firmly inform them of the futility of winning
an argument without considering the facts of God’s love, human sinful nature and God's provision for our salvation. Refrain from the path of argument (2 Timothy 2:16-18; Titus 1:14).

13. Conclusion
Commitment to personal Soul Winning is lacking today in most of our Churches.
It is therefore pertinent that the minister-in-charge should aim at raising a network of believers in the Church who are addicted to Personal Evangelism. He should be an example to others under him. He should train the people through systematic pulpit/practical teacher; organize Weekend Evangelism Seminars and Workshops. Deliberate effort should be made to challenge the believers to Personal Soul Winning. To evaluate, the network group leaders should be asked periodically to assemble members of his networking through Personal Evangelism - specially organized “Convert Rally Day”.
REMEMBER - When a soul is saved, there is joy in Heaven, the community is made better, a family has been helped, a life has been transformed and a multitude of sin has been covered (James 5:20). God's kingdom has been enlarged. The Soul Winners now have some ones to call him "father in the Lord”, he has joy here on earth and crown of rejoicing awaits him in heaven (I Thessalonians 2:19-20). Personal Evangelism Networking is the answer to fast growing congregation. Your Church can grow rapidly.
"And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever" (Daniel 12:3).
Why not join the wise today. Speak to that man in your office, that sister next to your desk and customer of yours in the market. Prayerfully, seek, speak and bring only six of them to your local Church in the next six months. Your Church must grow with and through you. Amen.

For more information and counseling, useful comments, contact Pastor Gabriel E
C/o Counseling Directorate, RCCG Headquarters North 2 Province, Jos.
Phone No 08027503684/ 08065641806 E-mail: jonathanekpo@yahop.com Or Pastor Tony Abah – 08036546282; A/,P Mrs. E. Joshua - 08065383920.

TEXT: Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:45-48; Acts 1:8; Romans 10:13-15

The Gospel of Christ is for every sinner on the face of the earth as commanded by our Lord and Saviour. But it is rather unfortunate that most of the preachers and Soul Winners concentrate on the minority people in the urban cities of the world because of modern amenities. Jesus Christ our model example went from place to place. He did not neglect the Rural dwellers (Matthew 9:33; Luke 13:22; Mark 6:56) because the Son of Man came to seek and to serve that which was lost (Luke 19:10). The Church should do more by following the footsteps of our Saviour for the purpose of reaching the unreached majority in the Rural areas.

All believers are mandated to preach the gospel of the kingdom to every creature. It is a task that must be carried out. The delivered Gadarene demoniac went into the cities of Decapolis as he was commanded and he turned the whole city unto the Lord (Mark 5:19-21). The seventy disciples also obeyed as they were instructed by the Lord and they came back with great testimonies (Luke 10:17). Obedience is a mark of true discipleship and love for the Lord (John 14:15).
Reasons Why We Must Preach To The Rural Dwellers: -
1.      Christ died for all sinners in the world (John 3:16; Luke 19:10)
2.      The reality of hell fire (Psalm 9:17; Mark 9:41)
3.      The time is short (1 Corinthians 7:29)
4.      The danger of neglect (Ezekiel 3:17-18)
5.      False Christ and deceivers are on the increase (Matthew 24:11)
6.      Christ did it by example (Mark 1:38)
7.      Occultic activities and proliferation of idol worship and false doctrines in many Churches.
8.      Many are tired of false worship, fed up with life and desiring for something real.

            When Christ gave the commission, He already demonstrated some methods of Soul Winning. He left the Holy Ghost to teach His disciples all things. Such proven methods for reaching Rural Dwellers are:
a.       Open-air Preaching or Mass Evangelism (Acts 8:5-8)
b.      Event Centered Meetings i.e. drama, film show and the use of audio cassettes, video and TV.
c.       Group Meetings i.e. Gathering of Youths, Elderly, and Town Clubs for the purpose of reaching them for Christ.
d.      Evangelistic Meeting through invitation for special programmes.
e.       Personal Evangelism by pairing with the use of PA Systems, language tract, and so on.
f.       Power Evangelism through signs and wonders to reach the hardened and unpenetrated hearts (Acts 3; 6; 4:4; 8:5, 6).
Provision of Social and Physical amenities for the purpose of reaching the closed minds as the missionaries did in Africa e.g. Borehole Water, Clinics, Schools and Recreational Centres.

3. THE MOBILISATION FOR RURAL EVANGELISM (Romans 10:14; Luke 14:28-33; Numbers 13: 17-20).
It is essentially necessary to mobilize and motivate the army of the Lord for a total war against the devil for rural evangelization. The disciples of the Lord (the twelve and seventy) did not go out until they were sent. Paul and. Silas never commenced any missionary outreach until they were commissioned by the Holy Ghost. Neither did Isaiah and Jeremiah know the heartbeat of God concerning his people until they were sent with the words of encouragement from God that He was with them. In this way, the qualified, spirit filled members of the Church will be at ease in the urban centers scrambling for minorities at the expense of the majority in the rural areas if they are not commissioned (Amos 6:1; Isaiah 6:8; Acts 13:1-2).

Essentials For Mobilization/Planning and Survey: Our God is a master planner. He created all things in order of importance (Genesis 1:2). Jesus Christ also solicited for planning (Luke 14:28-33). Hence we should prayerfully plan our outreach before we embark on them.
The survey of the target will expose the type of people (occultic, religious, Muslim, idol worshippers) and the common language and level of education. As we pray, plan and survey, materials needed, cost of the outreach, method of penetration, suitability for church planting and the human resources for monitoring will be identified.

BREAKING SPIRITUAL BARRIER IN RURAL EVANGELISM (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 4:23-33; Matthew 9:35-38; 12:29)

In Revelation 3:20, we read, “Behold I stand at the door and knock”. This door refers to an individual's heart. It can also refer to the door into a town or a village (Psalm.24:7, 9). In Colossians 4:3, Paul asked us to pray for the door to open to preach the gospel. When such door opens for a rural community, Christ comes in to reign, thus many souls are converted and Christ's Church is planted.
In most rural communities, the gospel is resisted because of the activities of evil spirits, and satanic powers. These evil spirits are working through many cultures and social systems to close gospel doors in many communities. Satan himself blinds the minds of the people in order to hinder them from being saved (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

(A)       REALITY OF SPIRITUAL FORCES N RURAL EVANGELISM (Ephesians 6.12; I Peter 5:8; John 10:10; 1 Thessalonians 2:18. 2 Timothy 3:8; with Exodus 7:8-12; Acts 13:4-12.
The forces that oppose evangelism are just as formidable as the army that threatened the kingdom of Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah. These forces are united in hatred and opposition as directed by the devil, against all who truly want to give their lives to Christ and the Soul Winners.
Satan hates the penetration of the rural communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ and he is scheming everyday to destabilize and frustrate the conversion of sinners and the effect of the Soul Winners. He uses the under mentioned ways to subvert the minds of the people.
(1)        Religion, culture and customs (Matthew 15:3; 6, Acts 17:22, 23).
(2)        Idolatry (Acts 17:22, 23).
(3)        Activities of evil spirit (Acts 16:17, 18; Judges 9:22; 23:2; 2Corinthians 4:3, 4).      As Satan hinder souls from being saved, he also keeps the saints busy fighting themselves and setting disputes instead of being busy with soul winning.
(4)        Ignorance of believers (Hosea 4:6).
(5)        Procrastination (Acts 24:25).
(6)        Fear of tomorrow or cares of this world (Matthew 13:22).
(7)        Worldliness (2 Timothy 4:10).

2Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6: 10-18; Mark 9:28-29; Luke 11:20-22.
God has made adequate provision for our spiritual warfare in Christ against Satan.
Believers should not be ignorant of these precious and formidable resources at the disposal. The armour can be categorized into three parts: (1) Preventive Armour (2) Defensive Armour (3) Offensive Armour.

(1) Preventive Armour (Acts 18:13-16; Psalm 66:18; John 14:30; Ephesians 6:14; 2Corinthians 6:7). The Christian soldier must: (a) be born again (Ephesians 6:14; Luke 11:~7.19). (b)Live above sin- the flesh and the-world (Psalm 34:7:2, Chronicles 16:9); (c) Have faith in God's world (Luke 21:18; Psalm 125:2; 2Chronicles 32:8) in order to prevent all attack from the devil. (2) Defensive armour (Ephesians 6:10-18) - Paul listed six of such weapons thus: (a) Loins girls about with truth (b) Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel. (c) Shield of faith (d) helmet of salvation (keeping saved). (e) Praying with all prayers. (f) The sword of the spirit which is the word of God.

There were many miracles of salvation, healing and deliverance in Bible days as a result of the use of spiritual weapons. Unprecedented miracles of new birth experience, instantaneous touch for the deform people took place (Acts 2:37-42; 3:6; 4:4, 31, and 32:16:17, 18).
The following would be achieved as we use God's given weapons against the devil and his cohorts. (1) Open doors (Ephesians 6:19; Colossians 4:3). (2) Mass conversion of souls (Acts 2:37-41). (3) Healing and deliverance (Acts 3:6; Matthew 8:1-17; Acts 8:4-8). (4) Expansion of Christ's kingdom (Acts 2:41-47). (5) Nations will be exalted through righteousness as corruption is reduced to the minimal (Proverbs 13:34). (6) Great joy of heaven (Luke 15:7) (7) Rewards for the saints (Daniel 12:8; 2Timothy 4:8).
CONCLUSION: Remember the Lord needs you in the Rural communities.


Text: Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15, 16; Luke 24:47-49; Acts 1:8.

The great commission cannot be fully carried out except the cities are adequately evangelized. The gospel message is to be preached where the people are. This is why cities and urban centres pose a great challenge to evangelization, if every creature is to be reached (Matthew 24:10). The Lord Jesus Christ placed great importance on city evangelization (Luke 4:43). The Church was born in Jerusalem where 3,000 people were converted through Peter's preaching. A very large proportion of people live in cities because of the economic and commercial activities that are concentrated in them. Cities are centre of dense multilingual people with a very high rate of charge. There are cities, mega cities and word-class - (more than 1 million people). Hence, the challenge and vision for city evangelization must be viewed with seriousness in order to stir up believers to positive, sacrificial and self-denying action.

1. CONDITIONS AND SITUATIONS IN OUR CITIES (Isaiah 1:4, 6, 7; Jonah 1:1, 2; Acts 17:16-18, 20-23; 19:28-29, Mathew 9:36; Acts 26:18).
Cities are heavily populated for many reasons viz: economic, political, educational, cultural, social amenities, etc. The effect of the population explosion in cities subjected many city dwellers to diverse vices - crime, alcohol, rape, sexual perversions, drug abuse, corruption, immorality, divorce, juvenile delinquency, gambling, etc. All these in turn cause moral decay and ungodly behaviour. The other side effects of these are untold suffering, sickness, disease, untimely death, insecurity, and fear. The level of teenage-adult involvement in crime (as a result of unfulfilled expectations) is on the increase.
The conditions in the cities are at the worst level and will require a pragmatic approach that will awaken believers to go out with the gospel at any cost to liberate those under Satan's dominion and bondage. Many approaches to youth evangelism have failed in some cities because these youths live in a clan culture and hence do not respond to the gospel for the fear of isolation.

2.         EFFECTS OF CITY LIFE ON EV ANGELISM (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13; 1 Timothy 6:9, 10; Acts 17:16-20).
City dwellers, by their life-style, are generally hostile to the gospel. They claim to be civilized and enlightened and so raise many arguments for rejecting the gospel. Being spiritually blind, they see the message of the gospel as anti-social whereas they seek after pleasure. Both the poor, rich, educated, illiterate, all alike, cannot ordinarily, without the influence of the Spirit, accept the gospel at first hand. Yet they lack peace, rest, joy, satisfaction and contentment (Romans 3:10-18; 1:22-28). They are influenced negatively by the mass media, theatre and social gatherings where lust runs wild.
On the other hand, the city also has its effect on the Christian: (a) the value placed on literary education by the society is also imbibed by Christians at times to the neglect of the gospel: (b) the love of property soon creeps into the life of the careless Christian; this is an epidemic in cities. Christians and non-Christians alike purchase and insure material luxuries. Some even neglect family, sacrifice health, and call it common sense to acquire "things", (c) the work or business we do is another thing in cities. Work is necessary but it should NOT become an END in itself for the Christian but a means to an end. Positive and fashionable social images lead many Christians to compromise the Word of God in cities. Pretensions and stage acts are killing city preachers very fast. (d) The city life dynamic of planning for the future e.g. saving, buying land, etc., (which is good in itself), very often may lead to DISAPPOINTMENT and many Soul-Winners are lost.

3. COMPASSION FOR CRYING CITY DWELLERS (Matthew 9:35-38; Mark 5:15; Romans 7:24).
“And when Jesus saw the multitudes (in the city) He was moved with compassion..." (Matthew 9:36). Nothing but godly compassion ought to move with compassion respond positively to the cry of millions dwelling in cities. It should arouse in us unquenchable desire to share the gospel with the multitudes that are perishing. When Paul saw the idolatry in Athens, he "was stirred up in his spirit (Acts 17:16). Paul did not imbibe their spirit or embrace their conduct. Many, as a result of Satan's deception, are not only crying but are even groaning in pain because of the agony of unfulfilled expectations of earthly things for which they have sold themselves to Satan. They need deliverance, salvation and healing, contentment and joy.

4.         BELIEVERS' CONSECRATION AND THE CHURCH'S COMMITMENT (Acts 20:24; 21:11-13; 15:22-29; Philippians 3:7, 8; Romans 1:14-16).
When Paul saw the conditions and state of the gentle world, he consecrated his life to serve the Lord in carrying the gospel to them. Every believer must consecrate himself afresh and be willing to die to propagate the gospel to the suffering multitudes in the cities. Nothing short of whole hearted surrender and service will prove our loyalty and obedience to Christ.
Similarly, the Church may need to rearrange her priorities to give enough quality attention to cities evangelization. A greater percentage of all the resources - human, material, funds, etc, must be shifted to evangelizing our cities, towns and villages simultaneously (Acts 2:44, 45; 1:8: Acts 4:32-34). The Church must evolve programmes that will raise and multiply disciples to reach our cities.


Text: Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20; Psalm 126:5, 6; Romans 15:9-12, 16-21.

In furthering the task of world evangelization particular attention must be given to the cities because God Himself is interested in what happens in cities (Genesis 18:20-22; 19:1; Ezekiel 16:45). In our study, we seek to identify strategies that have worked and are still working in reaching cities.

1. SPIRITUAL WELFARE: TAKING AUTHORITY OVER FORCES THAT ENSLAVE SOULS (2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 4:4; Matthew 10:1; Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-2; 17-20).
Christ gave His disciples authority over the power and the forces that enslave souls. These forces hinder the people, and make them servants in Satan’s kingdom, in sending the disciples to PREACH the gospel of the kingdom. Jesus promised to perform acts of power by the Holy Spirit to release the sinners. Sinners are children of the devil (Acts 28:18; 1 John 3:8-10; Ephesians 2:2; Matthew 12:25-30). Occultic activity is real in Africa. There exists therefore direct fight to be fought in the realm of the spirit to release Satan's captives. Anyone who is ignorant of this dimension of activity especially in Africa will not be able to cover much territory.

2.         SPIRIT-DIRECTED PERSONAL AND MASS EVANGEIJISM (John 4:4-18; Acts 8:3-35; Matthew 4:17-25; Acts 13:4-12; Acts 14:1-4; 13:14-40; 16:14-15; 16:25-34).
If there is any time in Church history when we need to be directed and guided on a definite note in our evangelistic outreaches, it is now. There are many forms in which personal evangelism can be done such as Friendship Evangelism, Tract Distribution, House-to-House Saturation Evangelism, etc. We also have Mass Evangelism, Mass Crusades, Retreats, etc. Yet, it must be emphasized that witnessing or preaching without power is an obvious lack of appreciation of neglected resources provided for us by the Lord Jesus Christ.

3.         MOBILISING THE CHURCH TO REACH SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (Mark 16:15; I Corinthians 9:19-27; Galatians 2:7-8; Psalm 67:2-7; Matthew 19:13-14).
There are diversities evident in cities. The city many times are segmented into
(a)        Income Groups e.g. Estates, GRA, etc., or
(b)        Ethnic Groupings, e.g Igbo Quarters in Bauchi State, Miango Tribal Area
in Tudun Wada Jos, Plateau State or
(c)                                        Economic Groupings e.g. Vegetable Market, Spare Part Sellers, Mechanic Village in Farin Gada Jos, etc. or
(d)       Social Gatherings - Hotels, Prisons, Stadium, Schools, Gangs, Unions, etc.

A Soul Winner in the city must realize that the city is a catchment basin of the old, the poor, the sick, single parents, refugees, divorcees, travelers, prostitutes, drunkards, gamblers, retired aged people, the transport world of mechanics, taxi, bus, touts, trailer drivers, etc. In fact, many cities are populated by children i.e. 50% of the city having a median age of 15-20. The social implication of this is naturally grave.

4.         UTILIZING THE POTENTIALA OF MEDIA FOR EVANGELISM (1 Corinthians 14:8, 9; Acts 20:28; Jeremiah 6:17; Isaiah 45:22-23).
The media has a great and powerful potential to send out the gospel message to cities and villages. The media today are sophisticated and complex. We must understand that the media does not change people's lives but only the means of getting the word out:-(a) Literature (Print Media) (b) Electronics Media (c) Television (Electronics Media) (d)
Cassettes of Tape Recorded Message (e) Films for Gospel Outreaches (f) Video Message (g) Raising Preachers in Bible Schools.
Many small villages that we know can hear the gospel on the radio and the cities can be saturated with the gospel through the media and methods that have worked in the past.

Remember, a sung writer writes – “Must I go, and empty handed?” Children of God the cities are ripe and waiting for us. May the Lord help us! Amen.

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